Sycamore Asset Management, LLC (SAM) is a fee-only financial advisory firm located in Zionsville, Indiana. SAM is a Registered Investment Advisory (RIA) firm and is registered in the State of Indiana. As an RIA, SAM has a fiduciary duty to its clients and always works with their best interests in mind. As a fee only firm, we do not sell any financial products.
SAM specializes in financial planning and works with clients in one of two ways. First, it provides financial and investment planning advice to clients on an hourly basis. Second, it works with clients in an investment advisory role and provides recommendations for implementing investment strategies. Regardless of which of these two manners in which SAM works with clients, the investment philosophy utilized is the same. SAM’s financial and investment strategies are based on sound academic research.
SAM provides investment management recommendations based not on speculation but on decades of Nobel Prize winning research into the science of capital markets. We believe that financial markets are efficient and will use this concept as the basis of our investment philosophy. In addition, we incorporate other academic ideas including Modern Portfolio Theory and the Three Factor Model into portfolio design. As a result, we refrain from recommending any strategies that involve any variations of stock picking, market timing or reliance on past performance of an investment. We believe that an educated investor is a more confident and successful investor.
Understanding what you are doing and why is the key to a successful investment experience and why investor education is such a major emphasis for our firm. The sheer volume of financial information can overwhelm investors. For example, a simple Google search of “investing” yields more than 165 million results.
Our aim is to simplify the investing process to focus on the things that really matter. After devising a prudent financial plan and building diversified portfolios based on financial science, we shift our focus to on-going education to keep you disciplined and on track for the long term.